Fishing Activity


As a Kanicen Nix brand owner, being INSPIRATION is more important than anything. Sustenance? It will come when we keep continue to strive not only for ourselves but also for all. This is my way and this is how I educate those around me because I truly believe INSPIRING AND SUCCESS WALK TOGETHER.

Sebagai pemilik brand Kanicen Nix, menjadi INSPIRASI adalah lebih penting dari segala-galanya. Rezeki? Insyaallah akan datang apabila kita terus berusaha bukan sahaja untuk diri sendiri tetapi juga untuk semua. This is my way and this is how I educate those around me.

Tor Tambroides caught using our travel rod. Baby Empurau dengan setup ultralight kesukaan abam. Mudah dibawa kemana-mana.

🎣 Setup: Travel Rod Melencong 1-6lb
🎣 Reel: Shimano Stella
☑️ Line: 2lbs Halus Upgraded
☑️ Leader: Prototype 11.9lbs
🧞 Lure: Minnow Prototype Handmade 6g+-
🐊 Snap: Ultralight Anglers

Read more about our ultralight fishing Travel Rod at:

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