Greetings everyone,
We will be in Jakarta, Indonesia from 28/01/2020 until 02/02/2020 for an invitation to the Ultralight Fishing event organized by the Takashi UL group (Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi UltraLight Group).
Event date: February 1, 2020 (Saturday)
Info such as location, fees, terms, etc. Please contact organizer Boy Subrianto
For friends in Indonesia who are interested in coming together for this second Ultralight Anglers event in Indonesia you can contact the organizer:
Boy Subrianto
There will be a Mini Competition and a UL Workshop at RCG.
For Kanicen Nix followers in Malaysia we will be slightly off the radar and all sales related matters will be managed by our personnel.
Hope this event will bring benefits to ultralight angling industry.
Thank you for your support and having Kanicen Nix himself as the trend setter and Ultralight Anglers group as a trend bearer. Hope this Ultralight Fishing Event will be the step to success.