Customers Catches

Spanish Mackerels, Tenggiri, Peacock Bass, Ikan Raja, Grouper, Kerapu, Siakap, Lady fish, Bandang, Marble Goby, Ketutu

We always do our best to share photos of catches by our followers.

We believe in Fish. Share. Learn. Smile.

All these various species is caught using our products like Geli-Geli or Brudu worms and Silau spoon & some using our other products like rod, line, & apparels.

Spanish Mackerels / Tenggiri – Loo Kuan Feng
Peacock Bass / Ikan Raja – Mohamad Fauzi Shahar
Grouper / Kerapu – Mohd Izzuddin Toodeen
Copper Mahseer / Tengas – Mohd Safwan Kamarudin
Siakap – Mohd Shahaizad Salihudin
Lady fish / Bandang – Mohd Shamsul Ali
Tucunare / Peacock – Muhammad Fadzly
Snakehead / Channa – Mustajab Sinwani
Tucuna / PB – nuar_naz
Marble Goby / Ketutu – Panah Beta

Thanks for the love ❤️❤️❤️💓💕 guys.

Semua ikan di atas mampu dipikat dengan menggunakan produk Grenti Strike keluaran Kanicen Nix seperti Geli-Geli, Brudu, Silau dan juga Nyot Nyot. Apa yang penting ialah anda mempelbagaikan kaedah dan jadi kreatif.

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